Really nice flat bed. Had the bed custom built with special wood to be more chemical resistant.. Both hot and cold water machine are 8 GPM. Honda 6X690 with Udor Pumps. Nice and neat setup.
Just you run of the mill trailer mounted Hot Water Washer. Good for truck, equipment of commercial washing.
Cold water mounted high for extra space on the trailer. 6 huge reels. Bet they can know out some work with this setup.
We must have bee busy this day, I didn’t get good pictures. This have two Honda GX690’s with Udor GKC pumps. We installed a custom ladder rack and custom reel rack in the back. Big water and chemical tanks.
This is one we set up in April. We have been so busy I have not had time to get some of these builds posted. So this has tow big cold water washers, each with Honda GX690’s and Udor GKC pumps. We have went to the Hannay 1800 series reels for garden hoses as they have a 3/4 manifold so you don’t get as much restriction to fill your tanks. Custom ladder rack and lots of space left on the trailer
Setting up units on a truck has become more common. We set this up for Steve Sebastian at Triangle Window Cleaning. Two 8 GPM Cold Water Pressure Washer, Two custom mounts for the high pressure reels, two large manifold garden hose reels and chemical manifolds to switch between chemicals and water. Nice setup.
Just wanted to let you know that the 2016 Landa Catalog and Price List are now available over on the Catalogs & Pricing page. The small parts are pretty much as published but the Accessories and Equipment could be discounted as much as 20% to 30% depending on the item. If you see something you like, please contact us for the Best Pricing.
The Landa Youtube channel have lots of equipment and testimonials. Check out the latest on the Super Duty Hot Water Pressure Washer.